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- The Marshalls of Slighhouses for access to the farm.
- The Royal Society of Edinburgh for access to Hutton’s ‘Elements of Agriculture’
- The British Library for permission to reproduce Roy’s Military Map
- The National Library of Scotland for permission to reproduce both the Armstrong and the Blackadder
Maps References and Further Reading
- Badenoch C.O and Walker G.J. (1991), Inventory of Ancient, Long-established and Semi-natural Woodland in the District of Berwickshire. Scottish Natural Heritage
- Jones, J, (1985), James Hutton’s Agricultural Research and his Life as a Farmer. Annals of Science, Vol 42, p573-601
- Elliot, W., (2004), Working the Land, Harvesting the Forest (Scottish Borders Traditions). Scottish Borders Council.
- Dent, J. and McDonald, R. (2001), Farm and Factory: Revolution in the Borders. Scottish Borders Council